Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Serena Pettus Page A

Book: Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Serena Pettus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Pettus
out the makeshift bed, she set the water bowl at the edge and looked back to the duo, waiting.
    Benson smiled, pointed to the bed and said, “There’s your bed Shadow. Better get in it.”
    Why he seemed to find it so amusing to tell his pet to get in bed, she’d never understand. Oddly enough, Shadow seemed to narrow his eyes at Benson, even as he moved to do as he was told, plopping down with an indignant huff.
    “Are you sure he’ll be happy camping out here for the night? He doesn’t seem too thrilled.” No sooner had the words left her mouth, than she felt a cold nose on her arm. He’d come to her side like he understood what she’d said, and she gave his head a scratch, petting him as if he was a family pet and not a semi-wild animal. Leaning down to his level, she smiled. “You really are a sweet boy, aren’t you?” The lick up the side of her face had her upright in an instant. “I sincerely hope you haven’t been licking your ass recently, buddy.”
    Benson’s guffaw caused her own laughter to bubble up, yet Shadow just sat down looking rather disgruntled as they said their goodnights and goodbyes. Benson told her to not be surprised if Shadow left once she was up and about in the morning, since he usually goes for a run, but that he’d have no problem finding his way back to Benson’s house.
    After sitting outside with Shadow for a little longer, Ashe retreated inside and made sure that the house was locked up tight before finally collapsing in bed. It had been an insane day, full of events she’d never imagine happening to her. To think, she’d traveled across the United States without incident, yet came home to a mugging and a break-in.
    It just went to show a girl couldn’t be too careful. And that’s just what she’d have to be where Luke was concerned. The boy was a sinful bit of eye candy for sure, and a walking advertisement for heartache. A random hook-up was the last thing she needed right now. She was a mom, and therefore she’d need to behave like one…no matter how tempting the man was.
    Chapter Eight
    2 Weeks later…
    “Okay, you can turn it on now,” Luke called out from where he stood next to her garden.
    Ashe giggled behind her hand. She knew good and well that once she turned the faucet on the sprinkler was going to soak him. Twisting the knob anyway, she doubled over when he gave a shout and a little high-stepping dance out of the rows of plant.
    “Holy hell that was cold,” he laughed, shaking the water droplets off his arms.
    Ashe tried to muster up her most innocent expression. “You mean you weren’t telling me to turn the sprinkler on so you could cool off?” she asked with an exaggerated bat of her eyelashes.
    “You brat! You knew I would get wet,” he accused, walking over to her with the confident swagger she loved.
    They’d both been working hard, weeding, watering and planting. Fencing would begin the next day, and Ashe was happy to see her plans taking shape.
    If she weren’t constantly distracted by the devilishly sexy man next to her, perhaps she would be of more help. He seemed to have an endless amount of energy that she envied.
    Already the sun was high in the sky, beating down on them and all but insuring she looked dreadful. Sure, she could dress in a pair of shorts and a tank to look cute, but with her blotchy cheeks from the heat along with the sweat leaving her hair damp and disheveled, she knew she was a mess.
    Despite her appearance, Ashe didn’t miss the heated looks, or the way he always seemed to find a way to touch her arm, hip or the small of her back. Just innocent brushes for the most part, but they were playing hell on her body.
    “Awe, a little water won’t kill you, Luke. Besides,” she giggled again, “hydration is important on a hot day.”
    Ashe stepped over to the playpen they’d set up near

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