Shorty Got My Head Gone

Shorty Got My Head Gone by China White Page A

Book: Shorty Got My Head Gone by China White Read Free Book Online
Authors: China White
screaming like a little bitch.

"AWWWWWWW You fucking bitch" He said screaming out in pain.

I quickly grabbed the dope that fell down on the side of him and took off running toward the park to get to the other side of the projects.

I ran track the first couple years of high school so hopefully I can outrun this dude. I booked it across the park, running through the projects as fast as I could. I was about to reach a main street until I tripped falling onto the ground.  I looked back seeing him a couple feet behind me getting close.

I quickly got up and ran toward the main street. I bust a right and started running down the block. He was a couple feet behind me but I had a little hope I could probably escape from this motha'fucka'. I busted another right on the corner of the red liquor store I went into the upcoming alley behind the liquor store and just my luck I had forgot it was a dead end.

"Fuck" I shouted out loud. I Turned around and saw the angry man breathing heavily.

"Oh bitch you know you fucked up right." He said while pulling a gun from the side of his waist. First a knife now this. His ass was really trying to kill me.

My eyes grew big and all I could get myself to do is scream "Heeeeeelllllllllppppppppp” Not really caring anymore because I knew this probably the end of it.

He quickly ran toward me and slapped me across the face with the gun. I screamed out in pain.

Click Click

"Bitch shut the fuck up before I put a hot one in that dome of yours" he said while pointing the gun in the middle of my forehead.

"Please, Please I'm sorry, Please don't kill me" I begged on my knees.

"Fuck that apologetic shit, you should have thought of that before you did the fuck shit you did." He said with an angry look on his face.

Tears start forming in my eyes and I couldn't help myself. I started to break down crying. I never imagined my life ending like this. He started chuckling while stroking my hair with the gun.

"And it's a shame, you a sexy little bitch, you could have been my main bitch, maybe" He said biting down on his lips.

"But you fucked up you know" he said while pointing the gun down to my chest "and now I got to kill you ma."

I closed my eyes tightly as my life flashed past my eyes. I said a little prayer before I took my last breath as a shot fired




I was sitting across the table from my brother Black B. We was down in the basement of one of his many local liquor stores in the hood. He called me down to talk business but the type of business he was talking I wasn't for it.

"I ain't even trying to hear it bruh, fuck this shit I'm out." I said as I stood up from the table and was about to head out the door.

"Bro sit yo ass down, you ain't ever hear me out, just listen to what I got to say then you free to leave" Black said still sitting in his seat.

"Man hell naw, I'm already knowing what you bout ' to say and you know I'm not with that shit no more, I shouldn't have to tell you twice. Bruh I don't even know why you called me to come all the way down here in the first place. Now you wasting' my time and my money, real talk bruh."

"So it's going to be like that huh?" Black asked with while standing up from his seat.

"Straight up, I don't have time for this shit I'm out" I said while turning and around and walking up the stairs out the basement.

I was so annoyed that this nigga called me all the way down here to discuss some bullshit. His ass should've just came to my office or better yet not called me at all. He already know the deal so I don't understand why bother.

I was on my way out the store until my phone start to ring in my pocket. I stop, grabbed my phone out my pocket and answered it.

"Yo what's up?" I asked answering the phone.

"Hey Boss where you at? Vibe magazine event planner Valerie Bihet here and want to meet with you."

"Give me about 15 minutes. Make sure she stay there goes nowhere, I be

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