Shorty Got My Head Gone

Shorty Got My Head Gone by China White Page B

Book: Shorty Got My Head Gone by China White Read Free Book Online
Authors: China White
right there" and with that said I walked out the front entrance of the store. I parked my car on the side, instead of in the back where I would usually parked.

As I approach my car and was about to open I heard a girl scream out for help close by. It sound like it was coming from the alley behind the store. I quickly pulled my gun from behind my pants and ran to the end of the alley to see what's going on.

When I peeked around the corner, I seen this man pistol whip the shit out of this blond headed girl then point his gun to her head. I couldn't really see how the chick looked at first but I soon realized it was Ashley.

"Oh shit, Ashley" I whispered and with that said I slowly crept behind the guy and let out a hot one right to his head.



The nigga laid out on the ground with blood pouring out his head. I looked over to Ashley opening her eyes looking down patting herself over her chest and body. She looked up at me and got up sprinting in my direction. She put her arms around my body and squeezed giving me the biggest hug.

"Poppi, I'm so happy to see you, thank you, and thank you so much, oh my God thank you, Jesus. You just save my life" she said sobbing still holding on to me

"Ashley you good I got you, now come on we got to hurry up and get up out of here," I said grabbing her running to my car.

We hopped in the car and sped off. I immediately pulled out my phone and called my brother. "Black an incident that happen in the back fix it. I tell you about it later."

"I'm already fixing the fucking problem but bet holla at you later," he said then hung up the phone.

I put the phone down and looked at Ashley.

"Talk to me Ashley, why the fuck I catch you in that alley with a nigga pointing a gun at you. What the fuck is going on."

"That bastard tried to molest me and make me go down on him so I punch him in the balls." she said not looking at me but looking straight ahead out the window.

"Why in the hell he tried to do that, wtf you was doing with that nigga huh?" I asked yelling at her.

"Nothing," she yelled back

"That man was going to kill you, why the fuck you out here in these streets like that, what I tell you about that shit."

"Man I was just trying to make me some money that's it," she said folding her arms up.

"What the fuck you mean trying to make you some money, you hoeing, trying to be a prostitute huh."

"What! Hell, naw nigga you got me fucked up, I would never" She said rolling her neck.

"So what you telling me then Ashley," I asked lowering my voice.

She didn't say anything. I looked at her for a second then looked back at the road. "So you're not going to say shit huh," I asked getting annoyed with her petty ass.

I looked back at her scanning her up and down. I notice a clear bag with white stuff in her hoodie.

"What's this?" I asked while snatching the bag out her pocket.

It was lots of small bags of cocaine in one large zip lock bag. I couldn't believe she had all this coke on her.

"Give me my shit back" she yelled trying to grab the coke out of my hands.

"What the fuck you doing with shit shit Ashley, How the hell you get this" I shouted at her.

"That’s really none of your business now just give me back my shit," she said still trying to grab the coke out my hand

"Hell naw, you ain't getting this shit back, matter of fact...." I rolled down the window and threw the bag of coke out onto the highway. "Get this shit out my car, what the fuck wrong with you."

"What the hell. Why would you do that, that wasn't even mine'" she yelled.

"Whose was it' then, who the fuck gave you that mess" I yelled back

"I'm not telling you shit, you had no right to do that shit, but I'm not about to argue with you just take me back to Teeko house," She said.

"Ummm let me think about it.... fuck no, I'm taking yo ass back to my crib."

"Huh, hell naw no I'm not," she yelled.

"Yes, the hell you is. What the fuck you think this is. I already told you

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