The Apartment (Apartment #1)

The Apartment (Apartment #1) by Amanda Black

Book: The Apartment (Apartment #1) by Amanda Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Black
haven’t had the chance to talk to your mother yet.”
    “You go on ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.” Ethan picked his rapidly cooling coffee back up and began to sip it, effectively ending the discussion.
    “Alright. I’ll see you in a bit.” Richard walked toward the door, stopping when his hand touched the knob. “You know, Ethan,” he turned back around. “I know that you weren’t expecting to be bombarded by the entire family so soon after your arrival. Normally things aren’t quite so crazy around here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to have you here for the celebration, and I’m so happy you’ll be staying for a while, but I can tell you’re uncomfortable. I won’t ask you to do any more than you think you can handle right now, but please stop holding all of us at arm’s length. We just want to know you again.”
    Ethan watched him leave, grimacing at the now-cold coffee as he swallowed the last of it down. It was almost as hard to digest as the words his father had spoken. Ethan hadn’t realized he was being so obvious to everyone, but his father was right. He
wanted to see anyone right now, not even Eric or Emma. He had wanted to hole up and lock the world away until he figured out how he was going to face them all again. Taking a deep breath, he went back out into the swarm of people, trying to be a little more receptive to all the party guests this time.
    Before long it was well after nine o’clock and most of the guests had filtered out. Ethan was left standing with his parents, both of them hugging him close. When they pulled apart, his mother leaned up to kiss his cheek.
    “Darling, we’re so happy to have you here after so long. It meant so much to us to have you present for your father’s birthday. I know it was a little crazy, but I can’t thank you enough for staying.”
    “I was happy to be here,” Ethan replied, to which his mother arched an eyebrow in disbelief. “Well, maybe not happy to be at this enormous party that you never should have had at the house,” he teased, “but definitely happy to be with you both again.”
    “Well that’s good. Are you going out for a drink with the boys, sweetheart?” Maggie and Emma had already gone to bed, but Eric and Brandon were refusing to call it a night. They had announced that they were going to the local bar for a few rounds if Ethan wanted to meet them there.
    “I’m not sure yet. It’s been a really long day. I don’t know if I’m up for it.”
    “Alright. You do whatever you need to do. We’re going up to bed.” She kissed him one more time before grabbing Richard’s hand.
    “Goodnight, son,” he added, before turning with his wife and walking to the stairs.
    Ethan stood in the empty room for a few minutes, rubbing at his eyes and running his fingers through his hair. It felt so odd to be back in a place filled with so many happy memories. For so long, all he wanted was to be standing right where he was—and now that he was there, he didn’t know how to process it. His family had been nothing but welcoming and caring since he’d arrived, which is what he’d thought he needed, yet the closer they tried to get to him the more he backed away. He had wasted so many years separating himself from them for one reason or another. At first it was because he’d foolishly imagined himself above them all. Now it was because he knew that he didn’t deserve them.
    Just being home again felt awkward and painful. Ethan didn’t know how to bridge the gap that he’d created and only seemed to be making it wider. His family clearly loved him and supported him even after he’d been such an ass for so long, but the thought of actually seeing the disappointment in their eyes once they finally discovered what had become of his life kept him frozen with fear. He didn’t want to lose his mother’s love and his father’s respect now that he was so close to finding his way back into the family again.

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