The Gemini Divergence
from the
Great Patriotic War?”
    Dmitri stood to talk, as he always did,
standing practically at attention in his perfectly pressed pseudo
uniform and responded, “Comrade Stalin Sir, I think that it is a
boon for the people of the Soviet Union that we have been fortunate
enough to be able to use these people to now help us become
powerful enough to stand up to the west.”
    Stalin relaxed and leaned back with his
cigarette in the hand of his right arm that was propped upright on
the arm of his chair. “It makes me pleased that you also feel this
way comrade Yost. Tell me, what do you make of the reports of
Hitler’s demise?”
    Yost answered, “Comrade Stalin Sir, I believe
our generals when they say that they have found Hitler’s body,
burned by his aides outside of the ‘Führer Bunker’ in Berlin, after
he had shot himself in the head.”
    Stalin took a drag from his cigarette and
turned his head to look out of the window for a second as he
exhaled, as if thinking. After a moment while still gazing out of
the window, he asked, “Do you agree with these reports from our
patriotic generals, Gennedy?”
    Dmitri looked shocked that Stalin had
diverted his attention and sat back down.
    Gennedy was shocked that Stalin had returned
his attention to him and felt like he should stand to follow suit
with Dmitri, so he stood nervously and reported, “Yes, Comrade
Stalin I have heard the reports that Comrade Yost has just
    Stalin then asked, “Have you then heard other
reports as well, Comrade Kasparov?”
    Gennedy realized that he had boxed himself
into this question by not correctly wording his previous answer, so
he carefully proceeded, “Well Comrade Stalin, I have also heard.”
He paused nervously, “Well, some unbelievable and what seem like
crazy reports that Hitler and a group of handpicked followers
escaped to Antarctica in some sort of new secret advanced
technology vehicle. But I must add, Comrade Stalin, that these
reports do not come from our trusted generals, but from word of
mouth from the collected rumors of our very patriotic but
uneducated foot soldiers.
    Stalin turned to look at Gennedy and calmly
asked of him, “Do you believe that there could be any truth to
these rumors? …I am uneducated. Is this the reason that I feel this
needs further investigation?”
    Gennedy’s Heart stopped cold. He quickly
backpedaled and said, “Oh no, Comrade Stalin, that is not what I
implied. I have only assumed that our most competent patriotic
generals have probably already investigated and vetted these
rumors. I am sure that if they had found any truth to them that
they would have notified you immediately.”
    Stalin shook his head in agreement while
putting out his cigarette and said, “Yes, Comrade Kasparov, I
agree. But just for good measure…”
    Stalin turned to Dmitri and requested,
“Comrade Yost?”
    Yost snapped to attention again as he stood
and reported once more, “Yes, Comrade Stalin.”
    Stalin continued, “Comrade Yost, just for
good measure; have Hitler’s body autopsied again, just to make
    Comrade Yost responded, “Yes Sir, ingenious
idea Sir, I will have it taken care of immediately.”

Cold War / The Raumsfahrtwaffe Is Born
    Schwerig was walking in his usual brisk get
to business style, but he was now wearing a new uniform.
    It was now the grey and silver lined uniform
of the newly created Raumsfahrtwaffe, and he had been promoted from
Major to Oberstleutnant.
    As he walked, he marveled to himself what a
rare occasion it has been that he had been allowed to now serve in
his third branch of military service.
    When he was transferred from the Luftwaffe to
the SS under Heydrich it was considered extremely rare, even taboo.
Most people in any country’s military usually spent their entire
career in one branch.
    He assured himself that it was just rare
circumstance and for the need of the New Swabian people. Now that
his old

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