The Gemini Divergence
examples of what we still need much more of, in
order to ensure our survival. So I ask of you now to use your heads
and help us solve some more of these urgent problems.”
    Schwerig then read aloud from a piece of
paper that he held, “We are trying to maintain stable temperature
between the extreme hot and cold of space. We would like to be able
to defend ourselves from cosmic radiation. It would be nice if we
could find a way to fight the annoying condensation that occurs in
the craft on the windows. We need ways to achieve yet higher
orbits; enabling us to suspend much larger weights in space is
desperately needed, as well as a way to weld in space, cure resin
in space, and finally for now; we need a way to elude detection or
camouflage ourselves in space.”
    “We are also working on a
viable weapons system,” continued Schwerig. “At first we were not
able to mount a weapon externally on the craft because the
exocoronas needed to expel the excess energy of the vril covered
most of the outside surface. That, along with our expedited exodus,
kept us from actually trying the new saucers out in a combat
situation… We also did not fight because that would have given away
our secret. As long as we did not engage the Allies, they still
always questioned what the bright light caused by the exocoronas
could have been, but luckily Oberst Schröder-Stranz has
developed an amazing new weapon called a Strahlenkanone that will
eventually be mounted to our saucers… ”
    Schwerig thumbed through the pages, as though
to make sure he was getting to everything when he came across
something he must have missed, he went on, ”Also, because of our
losses during this experimental stage we need to find a way to
replenish our ranks. Our superiors have decided to set up colonies
in South American countries that have accepted Nazis fleeing post
war Germany. They will work diligently trying to recruit expatriate
Nazis to join us again on our newest endeavor.”

    The Cold
War / Voices / An Epiphany
    After World War II radio enthusiasts from
around the world started to notice German language radio
transmissions from the oddest places around the globe and nobody
could figure out where they were coming from.
    Many radio frequency experts started theories
that they were actually originating in Germany, but that they were
bouncing back from the ionosphere and circumnavigating the
    Most of the population of the world was
completely unaware at this time what orbiting the earth even was.
So they couldn’t even perceive that the German voices were actually
coming from space.
    General Lemay, an avid radio enthusiast, had
heard these voices himself and tasked his best research people,
including Von Braun, to come up with answers as to where these
voices were coming from. He also wanted translations of what the
voices were saying presented to him as soon as possible.
    Volmer had settled into his new job in
America and was having coffee with Von Braun to discuss technical
development of the V2 program.
    “That is very interesting Herr Volmer,”
commented Von Braun. “Do you also think that your system, which
successfully sent the scientific cosmic radiation data back to us
at our control center, can also send it back to us from a capsule
that would be orbiting the earth?”
    “Oh yes, Herr Von Braun,” asserted Volmer.
“Ideally it would be best to have a series of communications
satellites in space, but that is years in the future. Actually I
think it is most feasible to have a series of ground tracking
stations around the globe that could stay in constant line of sight
radio contact with any object that we would place into space.”
    Von Braun leaned forward and spun the globe
that was sitting on his desk. As he was looking at it he said,
“Herr Volmer, I have another item that I could use your advice
    “Certainly, Doctor Von Braun,” answered
    Von Braun explained, “I received a

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