The Gemini Divergence
country no longer existed as it was, he had been handed
this ever expanding role to play.
    He was also overjoyed that his new role
would once again allow him to practice his first love of flying. He
thought back to his days flying gliders over the beautiful alpine
valleys during his flight training as a member of the, at that
time, secret Luftwaffe; secret, because it was a violation of the
Treaty of Versailles for Germany to have an air force.
    As he turned the corner of the hall he had
been walking down, he entered into an aircraft hanger with many
officers and enlisted men of the new Raumsfahrtwaffe gathered
around a few of the new but already well used saucers.
    They were standing or sitting wherever they
could find space near the podium.
    Schwerig took a seat of importance at a long
desk in front of the room facing the crowd.
    He opened his attaché and pulled out some
papers, arranging them in his usual meticulous manor.
    The crowd was not as orderly as he would
prefer, but they were still keeping their conversations to a soft
dull tone and volume.
    After he had his papers set out in an
orderly fashion, he stood and spoke in a loud and attention getting
tone. “Gentlemen, let us now bring this meeting to order… I know
that we have all been working long and hard hours, but there is
still much to do. We have been making good progress, but the
demands of the people of New Swabia require that we finish this
testing and engineering phase and produce a transportation and
habitation system to facilitate our migration into space. We owe
our lives to the brave space men that have already given their
lives to carry out this extremely expedited program. Because of
their sacrifices, we have been able to enter outer space. We have
also learned much about how to survive in space. At first orbiting
was just a theory and we traveled through space bouncing over the
top of the atmosphere like a stone on water. Beginning with the
technology developed from our Antipodal, or Amerika Bomber project.
Until, we learned how to increase the speed and the vacuum that our
craft created by using new variable geometry turbine rotors,
developed by Victor Schauburger, to actually change the pitch and
surface area of the turbines during rotation; creating more of a
vacuum than that of space itself. Thus, enabling us to use the
plasma of space as a means of propulsion by then allowing the
vacuumed plasma to be returned to its natural state, simulating the
compression and thrust of a turbine jet engine within the
atmosphere. therefore, allowing us to remain suspended in space,
actually achieving orbit. Now our goal is to push on and learn how
to build in space… We must figure out how to build a permanently
inhabitable station in space, and we must do it quickly. There is
no guarantee how long we may live unchallenged in our present home.
We are sure, however, that it will be many years before the
Americans and Russians figure out that we have misled them. We do
have a window of opportunity to gain space supremacy even before
the rest of the world will be able to travel into space.”
    Schwerig gestured to an officer on his left,
“Hauptman Steiner has made great advances in power generation in
space using sunlight to boil water in radiators and produce steam
which can then run steam turbines.
    This has proven much more efficient,
logistics wise, than the radio thermal generators that we have been
using, as the radio isotopes that they use are expensive and in too
short of supply for our needs.”
    He continued by gesturing to yet another
officer at the front table,” Lt. Bochman has improved an artificial
gravity model that was first proposed by Von Braun, from drawings
that I captured and was able to bring here for our purposes. With
his work we will be able to function in space as though we were
here on earth, and supposedly, not suffer the ill health effects
that we have discovered happens to humans in weightlessness. These
men are shining

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