Twist of Fate
me know he wasn't happy with me.
    I held my hands. "I offered. She refused."
    He scoffed, giving me one last hard look. "I'll be back in a bit. Someone needs to take Paige home." Just like that Paige was gone without even glancing back, and I couldn't help, but mentally kick my own ass for letting her back in so easily.

PAIGE Chapter 11

    I was being pulled out into the warm night by Tommy who was muttering under his breath, and I didn't like it. The whole time he laid into me lecturing me about safety, and guys, and how I needed to be more careful after what happened in Jersey. Like I could have possibly forgotten what happened to me?
    Tommy did the full works by walking me to the front door. Once I opened it, he followed me inside.   Spinning on the balls of my feet, I turned to stop him. "Did you need something else?"
    Tommy moved within an inch of touching me, looked side to side to make sure no one was around, then asked in a hushed voice. "Have you told Ben why you're here yet?"
    His question took me by surprise for a brief second, but I answered. "No. Why?"
    "I was just wondering. I didn't tell him. I mean, I was going to so we had an extra pair of eyes, but I don't think it's a good idea anymore."
    I rested my hand on his shoulder because I knew he meant well. "Tommy, thanks for looking out for what's best for me, but I'll decide who should know. Frankly, I hate the fact that you know." Tommy started to interject, but I cut him off. "I don't mean that the way it came out. I just hate people knowing, and feeling sorry for me. I can handle it on my own. As far as Ben goes, I have no plans to tell him unless he asks me flat out."  
    Tommy began shaking his head.  
    "You know how I feel about lying, Tommy."
    Tommy didn't respond other than to start walking up the two flights to my dorm room. I quickly scanned the door knob to make sure my room wasn't being used by Ellie. I thought I'd scream and kick whomever she had in there out tonight. Suddenly, Tommy stepped in front of me before I could get my key in the door. "Be careful with Ben, okay? He's not crazy or anything, but I can tell he's feeling you lately. He hasn't had that with a girl in a long time. If he knew about that night, he might flip and hunt the fucker down. To be quite honest, I'd probably join him."
    I knew I wasn't wrong. I knew the Ben from my childhood was somewhere deep down inside him. He did have feelings for me, and somehow I needed him to be the one to push the envelope.   That kiss told me everything that I needed to know.   He wanted me, but once I realized it, I couldn't help but think I would just be another one of his one night stands. "Carson is three thousand miles away. Besides, I have someone I trust keeping an ear and eye out for anything weird with him. So don't worry."
    As soon as we were inside, he looked around to an empty room. "You want some company, or are you gonna be alright?"
    "I'm a big girl, Tommy. I'll be fine. Besides, I have to work tomorrow morning. I picked up an extra class this week." His hand twisted with the knob, stepping out into the hall I yelled, "Hey, thanks for walking me home."
    He nodded, while smiling, not saying a word before pulling my door closed. I heard the knob softly fiddle from outside. I smiled knowing he was checking to make sure it was locked, and that I was safely tucked away for the night.
    After I fell into bed, my head reeled with the memory of Ben's lips on mine. I panicked, knowing if we had kept going, it would have turned into something way more than I thought I would be ready to give. He was a player, he admitted to me he didn't want to fall in love, find a girlfriend, and I was not stupid. I was not the kind of girl that believed that I'd be the game changer in this scenario. But, I wanted to be.
    The only problem was how do you stay away from someone that helped you breathe a little easier, who made you feel like you were the only girl in the room when he looked at you? And,

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