Twist of Fate
tonight, he was so perfectly enticing that it was impossible to not ask for that kiss, even if it was just going to happen once. From his brown, tousled hair, to his crazy brown eyes, that I swore were like mass weapons of destruction when you looked into them. No wonder so many girls didn't object to dropping their panties even if it was just for one night.
    I spent the entire night without much sleep, thinking how I could spend time with him, even though I asked for the breather. I was at a crossroad where I wasn't quite sure what our relationship even meant to either of us. Sometimes, we were friends, other times it seemed like more than friends, then other times he treated me like a stranger. He was impossible to figure out. I needed to make sure that he felt something real for me before I thought about letting it go any farther than it had already. I didn't want to be another Michele.

    Chapter 12

    The entire week I was busy.   Classes were kicking my ass. The times that I wanted to squeeze in some Paige time, she was working, or in class, cramming for a test, or getting her nails done. It didn't escape me that she was dodging me, and I hated that this so called breather she wanted kept us apart. The fact that she wanted to drop out of my life, totally agitated me, so instead I reminded her of our bet to see if I would get the response I'd hoped for.  
    She still avoided me, but at least I got to see her face three times a day when she popped me a text. Since then, everyday she sent me a message with her picture to prove she was wearing comfy clothes, and not those damn little dresses she wore. I made her send several a day to prove she stayed dressed like that. Don't get me wrong-I loved those short little dresses. But, now that I was well aware what she had going on underneath, I was itching to see her in one again. We made that bet on a Tuesday night, and it was now exactly one week from that bet. I had only an hour in between classes, so I headed for her dorm room to check up on her. I thought about calling her, or popping her a text, but I wanted to catch her by surprise. And, I figured a week was enough of a breather. At least for me. I'd missed the hell out of her.
    Once I got inside the dorm, I practically ran the two flights to see her. It was weird how much I had missed her this week. It also kind of bothered the hell out of me to even acknowledge that very fact, but I manned up and admitted it to myself. When I knocked the door flew open, before I even had time to think what to say to her. It wasn't the right face. It was Ellie, her roommate, who was trying to fight back a smile.
    "Oh, hey, Ben."
    I nodded. "Ellie."
    Just as I slipped past her, I caught a glimpse of black panties and Paige stepping into a slinky black dress that stopped me in my tracks momentarily.
    I tried to compose myself, but she saw me standing there watching her through the mirror. "Ah, ha! Busted. You lose the bet," I yelled out.
    Paige turned around, her face full of surprise that I was standing in her room, watching her change. She straightened her face, walking over to me with a twinkle in her eye. "Could you zip me?" She turned slowly, her gaze holding mine. She tossed her hair to the side with one of her hands, cocked her head, and waited. I couldn't focus on anything else other than the fact that I was staring at a black lacy bra, that I really, really wanted to see, and the nape of her lightly tanned neck, that was aching to be kissed. The only thing I wanted to do was taste her neck one time. One lick.   Ellie laughed, knocking me aside. "I'll do it."
    "I got it," I told her with a gruff voice. Slowly I pulled the zipper up, then Paige abruptly turned to me.  
    "It's been a week. I didn't lose. So, I hope you're ready for some downward dog, Ben?"
    I regained my composure, but I swore she knew how jones upped she had gotten me. "The bet was a full week. Today is the last day. So, technically I win."
    She threw her hand up

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