Wings of Lomay

Wings of Lomay by Devri Walls Page A

Book: Wings of Lomay by Devri Walls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devri Walls
Tags: Fantasy, supernatural, Angels
into them. If they haven’t already.”
    “We need a distraction,” Emane said. “Something to draw them away.” He paused, looking at the group.
    Plans whirled though Kiora’s mind. “Jasmine’s armies are looking for entrances. Maybe we should give them one.”
    When there were no objections, she nodded. “Come on.” She ran to the library.
    She ripped maps off shelves and unrolled them on the table, pushing books aside. “We need to make sure an entrance is clear on either side of the lake for the rebels.” She tapped at two. “We need to draw the enemy away.”
    “Which entrance are we going to let go of?” Drustan asked.
    “This one,” Alcander said. “It’s between the other two entrances we are trying to leave open and should pull forces from both sides.” He drew with his finger, pulling imaginary troops from both entrances toward the center.
    “I’ll go,” Kiora said. “Arturo should be within range.”
    “We’re going to need a bigger distraction,” Alcander said. “I’ll go too. The Taveans still want me dead—and they want the staff back.”
    “What about me?” Emane asked.
    “Someone needs to be in charge here,” Kiora said. “The doors need to be opened from the inside and everyone needs to be kept calm.” Emane pursed his lips. “I am not leaving you behind. I will contact the rebels, but if some of them get caught in the crossfire, we are going to need a healer. I need you here.”
    Emane nodded his consent.
    “Drustan, do you have any Shifters on board with your new philosophies?”
    “A few, but most are fighting it.”
    “We need a distraction big enough to pull the majority of the forces in our direction.”
    “Done,” Drustan said.
    “Good. I will keep moving outwards. Hopefully I can get some to chase me.” She rustled through the stack of papers Lomay left. “Alcander, use the incantations to apprise the rebels of the situation. I need to talk to Arturo. Meet me at the exit.”
    KIORA PACED BACK AND forth in front of the rock blocking the door. She kept telling herself to stop, but could only pause for a moment or two before her legs acted of their own accord, setting her moving again. Her nerves were on fire and every second that ticked by increased her worry.
    Alcander finally turned down the tunnel and headed toward her.
    “Did you make contact?” she asked as soon as he was close enough that she didn’t need to shout.
    “The first group of rebels saw the armies assembling and held back. The next group has since joined up with them and the others are close behind. We have to work quickly or we will lose everyone.”
    “Are the rebels close enough to make it into the city if we clear a path?” Kiora asked.
    “That’s good.” She wrung her hands in front of her before forcing them to be still at her sides. “We might only get one shot at this. A distraction isn’t likely to work the second time.”
    Drustan and four other Shifters, including Erina and Killian, ran down the corridor.
    “Drustan, do you think we could get a repeat of the creature you came up with in Tavea?”
    “Exactly what I was thinking. That worked rather brilliantly.”
    “Preen later, Drustan,” Alcander said.
    “I’m going out first,” Kiora said. “When I unbubble, that is the signal.” She opened the door and ran straight at the oncoming forces.
    DRUSTAN GAVE EXACT INSTRUCTIONS as to the creatures he wanted everyone to shift into—from the thick, armored scales to the barbed tail and toxic spit. When he was done, he turned to Alcander. “What would you like to fly on?”
    “Flying fox.”
    Drustan scoffed. “I am sure I could come up with something more creative than that.”
    “I am sure you could too. But I have an affinity for flying foxes, and everyone knows it. I don’t want any doubt as to who they’re chasing.”
    KIORA WAS CLOSE ENOUGH now that she could see the dirt puffing up beneath the enemies’ feet as they marched.

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