Wings of Lomay
followed Alcander, “Eleana wanted me to check on your armband. Is it still working satisfactorily?”
    Emane quirked an eyebrow, his mouth twisting up. “I think we may have different definitions of ‘satisfactory’. But it is working as was intended. We will leave it at that.”
    “We are very grateful for it,” Alcander piped over his shoulder. “Having a healer amongst us has been invaluable.”
    “Where is Kiora?” Emane asked loudly, feigning as if to look for her. “Alcander refers to me as invaluable, and she is not here to witness it.”
    KIORA WOKE TO THE bustle of the city. She rolled over and pulled her blanket over her head. Chatter and commotion drifted through her balcony doors, but it was Drustan’s booming voice that was loudest. He must already be training the Shifters.
    Shortly after, Drustan was drowned out by the sounds of swords clanging—lots of swords.
    Sitting straight up, Kiora reached for threads. “Malena! Leo!” She threw back the covers. Excitement rose up within her and she grinned as she pulled on her clothes.
    She was halfway down the stairs before she came to a sudden stop. There were far more threads than normal within range. She turned her head this way and that, trying to pinpoint the location. Fear pulsed through her and she ran to the front door.
    Not wanting to alert anyone in the city, she paused to collect herself before opening the doors and walking as calmly as possible down one of the tunnels, schooling her face into an impassive mask. Once she was far enough down the hall, she broke into a run. Bubbling herself, she pulled back the stone and exited the protection of the city.
    She felt the threads better out here, but her mind refused to believe—she needed to see it. A tree to her right had low-hanging branches and she scrambled up. She climbed until the foliage grew thin enough that she could look out, and her fears were realized. The armies of the Shadow were coming in on all sides, completely surrounding the lake.
    “No,” she whispered. She frantically looked for a hole in the lines that were approaching. But there was none. The enemy was marching in an impeccably organized solid circle around them.
    This could not have come at a worse time. The rest of the rebel camps were on their way here, and now the enemy stood between them and every entrance to the city.
    Kiora dropped from branch to branch as fast as she could, hitting the ground harder than she had intended. Grunting, she stumbled forward, limping through the magical protection and sealing the door behind her.
    Alcander, meet me in the library. Bring Emane and Drustan—as fast you can. Don’t alarm anyone.
    Kiora left her bubble up and ran, dodging and weaving to avoid being discovered. If anyone stopped her now, there would be no hiding it—they would see panic written all over her face and alarm would flood through the city.
    Alcander and Emane casually exited the training room ahead of her on their way to the house. Emane stuck his head into the room where Drustan was working, motioning for him to join them.
    Kiora ran past, throwing open the door to the house. She dropped her bubble and began to pace inside the main entry, her mind racing. They had to do something or every rebel out there would be lost.
    Drustan, Emane, and Alcander walked in. Alcander made sure the door was firmly shut behind them before asking, “What is going on?”
    “Jasmine’s armies have us surrounded,” Kiora said. “Completely. There isn’t a single entrance for the rebels to use.”
    “Are you sure?” Drustan asked.
    “Yes. You will all feel the threads soon enough. But I went outside to make sure. Tavean, Shifters, Shifter-Dragons, and others—all of Enzo’s army. And it looks like he picked up more from the camps. They were smart—they surrounded us far enough out that we couldn’t feel their threads before they approached.”
    “The rebels . . .” Alcander said.
    “They are going to run right

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