Wings of Lomay

Wings of Lomay by Devri Walls Page B

Book: Wings of Lomay by Devri Walls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devri Walls
Tags: Fantasy, supernatural, Angels
Arturo, now! A shadow passed overhead as a Shifter-Dragon flew in a lazy circle. Watch out for Dragons.
    She felt his thread approaching long before anyone else did. Kiora’s eyes were glued to the sky as the Pegasus raced straight down, his wings pulled in for a tight dive. He was coming in too fast. Kiora’s heart leaped into her throat as Arturo fanned his wings out at the last possible second.
    The marching slowed to a stop. The enemy searched the sky, aware of the incoming Pegasus, hands raised across the ranks in preparation to fire. With no defense of his own, Arturo only had moments.
    The only way he was going to make it was if she took everyone out at one time. Kiora dropped her bubble.
    The enemy faltered, the appearance of her thread distracting them from Arturo. They turned back to face her.
    Kiora pushed out a burst of white magic that ripped forward in the shape of a crescent moon. The section of army in front of her rolled backwards in a tangle of arms and limbs. Kiora sprinted toward Arturo, putting up a shield to defend her back.
    Faster, Arturo thought.
    Cries rang out as the enemy recovered. Kiora leaped onto Arturo and they took to the sky. Magical volleys exploded. Kiora held her shield with one hand, opening holes to fire with the other, as Arturo evaded attacks.
    Kiora scanned below, judging her effect. It wasn’t enough—not yet. The enemy was in pursuit, but under shouts from the commanders, many of the soldiers were still holding and continuing to advance on the lake. She had to pull more away.
    Alcander dropped his bubble, appearing over one of the lines that was still marching forward. Many in that line dropped formation as Alcander threw balls of blue magic that widened as they fell while Drustan spattered them with fox spit. They screamed as the acid ate through their skin.
    Alcander and Drustan flipped and dove until they had the full attention of the main flanking section of the enemy. Attacks launched upwards, surrounding them with deadly color. Alcander put up a shield and Drustan turned, flying straight for Kiora. The line followed, pulling away, leaving the entrance unguarded.
    It was working.
    The door they had decided to sacrifice opened and the Shifters appeared, growing into the same monstrosity Drustan had used in Tavea. Their Dragon-like heads had been outfitted with the addition of flying fox teeth and toxic spit. The large, plated scales Drustan had discovered covered their bodies, protecting them from magical attacks.
    The four insane-looking creatures formed a protective semi-circle around the door.
    The sheeting magic was clearly visible behind them and it was only moments before it was recognized as an entrance. Soldiers broke formation and poured forward to gain access. The four Shifters defending it held a tight rank. Dragon shoulders pressed against each other and long, thin, barbed tails whipped over their heads, threatening anyone who came near.
    Kiora , Arturo thought. Hold on. That Dragon is not planning on blowing fire.
    A Shifter-Dragon was barreling straight for them, his head down, with no intention of pulling up. Kiora wrapped her fingers through Arturo’s mane as he dropped into a dive. He then pulled straight up and flew in an arc so he was behind the Dragon.
    The angle was strange, and from where she was siting she didn’t think she could hit the weak joint in the proper spot.
    The skin, Kiora. Tear through it and they can’t fly.
    Kiora summoned one of Emane’s daggers from within the city. It immediately appeared in her hand. Using her magic, she sent it flying end over end. It tore neatly through the skin from one wing bone to the next. The Shifter howled in agony as it spiraled to the earth.
    Alcander dropped in above her on Drustan. “It’s working, Kiora. Keep moving.”
    Kiora looked back over her shoulder. The sky was lit with magical volleys of every color, and the enemy pursued at a full sprint.
    The Shifters managed to hold their own at

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