Carried Forward By Hope

Carried Forward By Hope by Ginny Dye

Book: Carried Forward By Hope by Ginny Dye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Dye
slipped into the kitchen. “That young’un is really somethin’!”
    Carrie closed her eyes in delight as she ate the first bite of cake. She talked around her food, grateful no one was around to see her lack of manners. “I think your mama sees John every day. And,” she added, “I know John sees her every day because you’re becoming just like her.” She reached out and gripped Rose’s hand. “She would have been so proud of you.”
    Tears shone in Rose’s eyes for a brief moment as she squeezed Carrie’s hand tightly. “Thank you,” she said softly. “I pray every day that I can be as fine a woman as my mama was.”
    Carrie reached over to grab another fork. “You have to help me with this cake. There is no way I can eat all of this, and if I do, I won’t be able to waddle up the stairs.”
    Rose laughed. “It’s not possible for someone as slender as you to waddle, but I’m happy to help you out of your dilemma, especially since no one is here to watch me eat off your plate!”
    Just then Moses walked into the room. “What’s that I hear? Two southern women sharing a plate? I’m fairly certain the etiquette gods will come after you,” he teased as he sat down and reached for another fork. “Since you’ve thrown all manners to the wind, do you think I could have a bite of that?” he asked hopefully.
    They heard the snort of laughter before the door to the kitchen flung open again. May slapped another huge slab of cake on the table, smiled at them, and disappeared back into her domain.
    “Bless you!” Moses called as he pulled the new plate close to him and began to eat, pure satisfaction covering his face. “That May cooks like my mama,” he announced.
    Carrie watched as the satisfaction faded away to be replaced by pain. She reached forward to grab his hand. “You’ll be strong enough to go after your mama soon,” she said. “You’re getting stronger every day.” She saw the spark of protest in his eyes. “To try and go after her now would be a mistake,” she said firmly. “It would be too easy for infection to set in. What good would you do your mama then?”
    Moses stared at her and nodded reluctantly. “You’re right,” he admitted. “I know the war has only been over a couple weeks, but I’ve been wondering about my mama and Sadie for the last five years. I’ve got to find them.”
    “And you will,” Rose assured him. “You will. But first you have to let your wound heal. And,” she added, knowing this would temper his restlessness more than anything, “John would be heartbroken if you were to leave now. He needs more time with his daddy.”
    Moses’s frustration was replaced with a look of warm love. “You’re right. I can’t imagine saying goodbye to him right now.” He smiled as he looked at Rose. “Don’t think I don’t know how you’re handling me,” he said. “I guess I’ll have to be okay with it, because I know you’re right.”
    “I’m always right,” Rose said smugly, sticking her tongue out at him.
    Carrie laughed, the sheer normalcy of their conversation easing the pain of Janie’s departure. She jumped up from the table. “I’m going to leave you two children to fight it out,” she tossed over her shoulder as she ran up the stairs. “I’m going up to see Robert!”
Chapter Four
    Matthew was waiting for Aunt Abby when she entered the dining room of the National Hotel. “Good morning,” he said somberly. “Did you sleep well?”
    “I slept much better than I thought I would. The hotel is quite nice. This is my first time here.” She gazed around at the white-columned dining room, appreciating the linens covering the tables and the many beautiful plants that lent splashes of green. Then she frowned. “It’s hard to believe God would create such a perfect spring day for Lincoln’s funeral procession. I think I would prefer

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