Chocolate Box Girls: Bittersweet

Chocolate Box Girls: Bittersweet by Cathy Cassidy

Book: Chocolate Box Girls: Bittersweet by Cathy Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Cassidy
Tags: General, Juvenile Fiction
a few hours
       Once the mix has set, tip it out of the tin and cut into squares, make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy!

Summer Fruit Skewers
    For a refreshing healthy snack on those hot summer days, try making your own garden of fruit skewers.
    You will need:
    Your fave fruits (the best ones include kiwis, strawberries, grapes, oranges, and watermelon and pineapple slices)
    10 or more wooden skewers
    Heart, flower or butterfly cookie cutters
    A shoe box (this will be your garden display)
    What to do:
    Using a chopping board carefully cut your chosen fruit into round shapes.

    One at a time, lay your slices of fruit on the board and cut into flower, butterfly and heart shapes using the cookie cutters.

    Carefully insert the skewers into the fruit to create a beautiful flower display.
    Making a Flower:
    •   Cut a slice of pineapple into a flower shape and add to the skewer so it’s horizontal. Then add a small strawberry to the very top to make the centre of the flower. Add a couple of grapes to the ‘stem’ of the flower to look like leaves. Try other methods and designs too!
    Top Tip!
    For an extra-refreshing taste, serve with a yoghurt or cream-cheese dip!
    Assemble your Flower Garden:
    •   Decorate your shoe box to make it look like a garden, using green paint, tissue paper, flower stickers, etc.
    •   Cut small holes into the top of the shoe box.
    •   Insert your flower skewers into the holes to create a flower border!

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‘I LOVE your books … I can’t put them down’ Leyla
    ‘I can’t wait until
Coco Caramel
    You’re my favourite author EVER!!’ Ellen
    ‘I can’t wait till your other books come out The Chocolate Box Girls are the best!’ Ruby
    ‘Me and my best friend have read all of your books!’ Isabelle
    ‘I’m obsessed with reading your books – they are just THE BEST! You rock Cathy!’ Momin

More praise for Cathy!
    ‘I was addicted to
Marshmallow Skye …
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    ‘Writing as engaging as this is not easy to pull off’ Mail on Sunday
    ‘A great choice for older Jaqueline Wilson fans’ Frish Independent
    ‘Wittily written … from the heart’ Radio Times
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