Plain Again

Plain Again by Sarah Price

Book: Plain Again by Sarah Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Price
table before she extracted the letter and unfolded it, her eyes skimming the contents quickly.
    “Looks like it’s from Anna,” Lizzie said, moving toward the sitting area in order to pull up a chair and sit next to Elias so that he could better hear the contents of the letter. “See?” She pointed to the neat handwriting on the envelope and the two pieces of paper that had been folded and slipped inside.
    “Read it,” he said, his words a bit clearer and a sparkle in his eyes.
    Lizzie scanned the letter first, a quick preread before she read it out loud.
    “Dear family,” Lizzie began reading after clearing her throat.
    I hope this letter finds you in the best of health under the ever-watchful eye of the good Lord. May his blessings shine down on you, especially during this most trying time in all of our lives.
    By the time you are holding this letter, I will have been married. While I am saddened by the thought of my family not being here to share in the joy of my union, I know that you will be here in spirit.
    It is our intention to come to Lititz to visit for a few weeks and help Mamm care for Daed and the farm. We should be arriving the week of Thanksgiving, most likely on Tuesday by the dinner hour.
    I am sure that Amanda is anxious to spend time with her husband, especially after having been so good as to help out while Daed was in the hospital. I can only imagine how torn she must have felt, but knowing how kindhearted our Amanda is, the decision must have been easy. Helping others is what she does best.
    Jonas and his family have been right gut about us visiting for so long, although I know his daed will miss the extra pair of hands on the farm. At least it isn’t farming season.
    I will continue to pray for all of you, praying for your physical and spiritual well-being. We both look forward to seeing you in two weeks.
    With blessings and love,
    Anna Wheeler
    Lizzie set the letter down on her lap and stared at the wall for a moment. Amanda studied her reaction to the letter and knew that her mamm had mixed feelings. Of course she was pleased that Anna had married, a good indication that she was healing after the loss of their brother, Aaron. Yet Mamm certainly felt sorrow at the fact that she had been unable to attend Anna’s wedding.
    With a sigh, Lizzie turned to look at her husband. “Vell,” she began, a strange tone to her voice. “Both our dochders have married, Elias. Seems time’s upon us to make some hard decisions.”
    Elias tried to wave his hand, but the motion was choppy, lacking the strength of his pre-stroke physical condition. “Nee!” he managed to say loudly. “I will not sell this farm.”
    Amanda bit her lower lip, holding back her opinion, as she knew that this was a decision that only her parents could make. Keeping the farm was not practical; Amanda knew that, for sure and certain. Alejandro was of the world and would never farm. Jonas had family in Ohio and had no reason to move. With no one to work the farm, it was not logical to keep it. Yet Amanda knew that selling the farm was a sign of defeat to her father. After all, farming was all he knew how to do. Without farming, old age would surely set in. Without farming, what purpose did he have?
    “Elias,” Lizzie began gently. “Amanda must return to Alejandro.”
    To Amanda’s surprise, her father slammed his hand down on the arm of the chair. “I will get better!” He paused to catch his breath from the effort of speaking. “I will farm again!”
    Amanda knew there was no point arguing with her father. He was stubborn when shoved into a corner. She turned her head away, not wanting to see the strained look on her daed ’s face. Her heart ached. She knew how difficult it would be for him to sell the farm, for it had been in the family for over four generations. To leave it would be very hard, but the reality was that her daed truly had no options.
    The sun was beginning to set in the sky when Amanda pushed her

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