Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger

Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger by Aline Hunter

Book: Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger by Aline Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aline Hunter
Tags: Shape-shifter/Vampire Paranormal
has no idea that her brother was in danger from his own pack. She’s been raised to believe that the war between Lycae and vampires is the result of the vampire king.”
    “If what you’re telling me is true, your pack will kill you for revealing it.”
    “You’re right. If they discover what I’ve done, they will.” The large male sighed and lifted a hand to his neck. “But a vow is a vow. If I didn’t try to intercede, I would be no better than the pack I’ve come to despise.”
    Fucking Hades frozen over. It was like a sucker punch to the gut, one you didn’t see coming until it hit hard and fast. Dominic Ward—a member of the Norvallen pack—was telling the truth. Willow would end her life, and upon learning she would never return, Bridon would undoubtedly end his as well.
    Two birds, one stone.
    Trace saw his brothers enter as he started to stand, apprehension causing his skin to prickle as his dragon half attempted to emerge. Talk about shitty timing. He needed to discuss Eric’s predicament, but his brother had time.
    Bridon didn’t.
    Colin made it to him first, with the rest of his brothers—minus Eric—following behind him. As his brothers reached him, Trace noticed that Dominic had already slid from his seat and was making his way out of the building.
    “I have to go,” he said quickly, before Colin could argue. “Fill me in when I return.”
    “This is important,” Colin reminded him and tried to steer him to a chair. “You can take care of other matters later.”
    He shook his head, moving away. “This won’t keep.”
    Before his brothers could force the issue, Trace strode past them. He shouldered through the patrons and hurried to get outside. Once there, he walked to the back of the building and started to transform. He would have to gather a few belongings before traveling to Arcadia, which would take up precious time. As he transformed, his clothing was reduced to ash. The change was immediate, allowing him to stand as a man and dragon in the same instant.
    Once he stood on clawed hands, he shook his body, stretched his wings, and launched into the misty night sky. Since the dawn would come soon—making it one day until full moon—his time was narrowed down to nothing. He only had twenty-four hours to locate Bridon and Willow.
    Twenty-four fucking hours.
    Since his friend had decided to take his Fated to the magical portal bordering his kingdom, it meant that, while Trace would be able to fly to the castle, he would have to make the rest of the journey on foot.
    The clock was officially ticking.

Chapter Eight
    Bridon attempted to curb his lust when they finally arrived at their destination. He used this cave, along with several others along the way, each time he traveled to the magikal portal. Large and deep, it provided plenty of safety from the sun, and the hot spring at the very back was the quintessential icing on the cake. As he dismounted he glanced at his Fated. She seemed nervous, refusing to look at him. Instead she stared at her fingers and fidgeted in her seat.
    After taking a deep breath, he tethered his nightmare and turned to assist her. She remained silent as he helped her down, although she did move away from his hands as soon as her feet touched the ground. Reminding himself that they had all night, he tethered her nightmare next to his and started removing the pouches and sleeping bags attached to the saddles. The trip provided them only two nights to connect with each other, after which the full moon would rise. Then there would be no stopping what was meant to transpire between them.
    He didn’t wait for her to follow as he lifted the satchels and walked into the mouth of the cavern. She would come to him. Of that he had no doubt. Even now he could smell her arousal, as well as the pounding of the blood in her veins as her heart accelerated.
    “We’re staying in a cave?” she asked softly, breaking her silence.
    He glanced over his shoulder. “Is that a

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