Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set

Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set by Selena Bedford, Mia Perry Page A

Book: Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set by Selena Bedford, Mia Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Bedford, Mia Perry
you’re my man.  I’ll be with you for the rest of my
life.  And I’m sure we can figure out a way to deal with this stupid rule.”
    “You think so, Leila?”
    “Yup.  I’m sure there is a
    “Let’s hope so, Leila, let’s
hope so.”
    We sit by the fire eat,
drink, and chat.  I don’t know when I fall asleep.  I wake up to see the
sunshine peeking through a tiny hole on the tent.
    Auzo lies on the floor, sound
asleep.  I walk out of the tent and see kids running around.    A few young
women walk by, carrying water urns on their heads.  They give me a sweet smile
but don’t slow down.
    I return their smile.  Soon,
I will be one of them, being busy preparing breakfast for my family.  
    How many kids am I going to
have?  Are they going to be as strong as Auzo? 
    Well, boys have to be
strong.  But girls should be sweet and soft.
    I smile, stepping back into
the tent. 
    I want to make a breakfast
for Auzo.

Chapter Three
    Our search team brings back
good news: the girls are still alive.  They are, however, now trapped on the
Galilatawrian Island.  Our guys have not been able to ascertain where the girls
are kept, or anything about their health and conditions.
    We have to move quickly now. 
Any delay means greater danger for the girls. 
    I need to make sure we’re
prepared.  “Let’s go,” I pick up my sword.
    Leila puts on the coat.  She
has cut off part of it and laced the sleeves with a small piece of sheepskin.  
It looks much prettier and fits perfectly to her body.
    The sky is crystal clear.  Large
flakes of snow swirl down here and there, blown down from the mountains.  Leila
catches one with her tiny palm.  “Look, how pretty it is?” she shows me with a
big smile.
    I look but see nothing
special.  Then I look at her pretty lips. 
    “Auzo, I want you to look at
these beautiful crystals.  See that?” she pushes her hand right at my eyes.
    I bring my head forward to suck
her fingers.
    “Ouch!” she screams, pulling
her hand out immediately.  “Auzo, you scared me.”
    I hold her body tight and
give her a big kiss.  My cock is harder than the hardest rocks in the valley.  
I rub my cock on her crotch a few times.
    “Auzo, watch out.  There are
people around,” she murmurs.  But she holds my body tight, sucking at my lips.
    “Maybe we should forget about
the stupid rules and live as real husband and wife, Leila?”
    “Yea, I think so.  Why not, huh?”
    “You want to do it now?” I
look right into her eyes.
    She nods slightly and then
shakes her head, “no, you can’t, Auzo.  You’re the commander.  If you break the
rule, you will be disciplined.”
    “I’m not afraid of death. 
Are you, Leila?”
    “I’m not either.  But who’s
going to save the girls?”
    “Hell, you’re totally right. 
We will have to suffer for them.  You know what?”
    “Maybe I should ask for compensation
after the big rescue,” I hold her hand and walk slowly, nodding to the people
saying hi to us.
    “What compensation?  Some
money?  The girls have no money.”
    “But they have bodies,” I
    “How dare you!” she hits me
super hard.
    “Ouch, just joking, okay?” I
pick her up and put her on the horse.  We ride fast to the bay.

Chapter Four
    “Morning, Commander,” my guys smile at me.
    I smile back, “Morning.”
    The bay is serving as a military harbor.  All the battle
ships are covered by heavy snow.   The shore is decorated with a thick rim of
ice, but the sea water is still sending milky ripples onto the shore once every
few seconds.
    Soldiers are busy carrying supplies and weapons to two small
    Vokin, my right hand warrior for this operation, runs over. 
“Commander,” he salutes.
    I salute back, “How’s the preparation going?”
    “We need another day.”
    “We’re running out of time, Vokin.  Can we speed up?”
    He thinks for a while and then looks at me, “Sure, we can

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