The Remedy Files: Illusion

The Remedy Files: Illusion by Lauren Eckhardt Page A

Book: The Remedy Files: Illusion by Lauren Eckhardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Eckhardt
That’s what he is to me. I wish what I wanted for my future was as clear.
    I think back to our conversations over the years. Every time I ask Gavin what he’s doing out in the woods, he says “research for his community.” So is that his official job? Or yet, is that his contribution to his community that he does on the side as part of being in a pairing? He never did say no when I asked him about his pairing. He never denied having someone else that he talks to just as much as me. Another woman who his community deemed as being the perfect match for him and who is there when he knows she will be every morning and every night. Why was this such a foreign thought to me? Why did I want to force it out of my mind so badly?
    I catch myself sighing out loud as I near the Events & Announcements Stage. There are several Level 17 classmates playing on it, acting out a movie it seems. Since we were the only class that had its Dig today, everyone else was still in school. I see Caroline’s red hair flapping in the wind in her usual highly set ponytail. Of course she’s center stage as always, no doubt seeking out everyone’s attention that walks by. Since people give it to her, she never changes.
    I should have taken a different route. My mind was so consumed by Gavin that I forgot Caroline was here earlier. Since Caroline is hardly ever without Adeline, I’m sure she has to be here now too. Adeline has always openly been Caroline’s number one biggest fan. I’ve never understood it but I suppose it’s like me and Jacqueline. We’re just a lot more independent from each other and I’d say much nicer to others as well.
    As I get a better angle of the stage, my suspicions are confirmed. There’s Adeline, chatting in the corner with Joline and Bryan. All of their eyes are on Caroline as she performs a solo act, dramatically flailing her arms and twirling about a bit too much. On one of the benches before the stage were three additional classmates: Damian, Brennan, and Ethan.
    Oh no. Jacqueline cannot see Ethan watching Caroline. With being so close to the Futures Ceremony, she wouldn’t be able to risk his match with Caroline instead. They are both equally beautiful, intelligent, and logical so I could see Impetus taking that decision either way. Of course Jacqueline was much kinder than Caroline but the Community Board didn’t always see things from our viewpoints. Caroline knew how to act when no one else was watching.
    I suppose I could always tell the Board that Caroline asked me a banned question earlier which I’m sure would lessen her chances to get paired with someone like Ethan. Regrettably as Caroline pointed out, I don’t have it in me to report someone. Especially when I know I break some of the most important rules as it is. Of course she doesn’t know that part of my reasoning, though.
    I have no clue what I’m going to say to him, but I know I need to do something before any Community Board members walk by.  “Hey, Ethan!” I call to get his attention, hoping that maybe we can get some game going with others in the Level or basically do anything else whatsoever other than have him watch Caroline.
    As soon as the words left my mouth, I watch the looks on the bench change as each guy’s eyes widen and their mouths open. Ethan and Brennan launch out of the bench. As soon as it registers that their attention isn’t on me, my ears catch the sound of the scream. I look over just in time to see Caroline land awkwardly on the ground in front of the stage. It had to have been at least an eight foot fall. All elevated structures that have walkways have to remain at a respectable height to not affect Remedy levels. Typically the max is nine feet so I would assume the stage is slightly lower to not risk anyone’s individual levels.
    “Caroline, can you get up? Are you able to walk?” I hear Brennan ask as I run over.
    “It’s all her fault!” Caroline shrieks while pointing her finger at me.
    Adeline and

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